Kelantan and Spain Cultural Exchange

Kota Bharu: Acclaimed musician Rafael Serrallet performed a guitar concert in Kota Bahru with Wayang Kulit puppet master Pak Dain. Hailed as a guitarist of profound and thoughtful artistry, Valencian born Rafael Serrallet is one of the biggest names in Spanish music. With a career spanning twenty-five years and more than a thousand concerts across eighty countries, Serrallet is probably the most internationally experienced concertist among the Spanish performers with an outstanding performance gift. He has been the first classical musician ever in playing concerts in all 7 continents (including Antarctica) and his passionate performances and unique musical interpretation have been described as ‘spellbinding and captivating. Rafael has been playing in Kota Bahru together with Pak Dain, Kelantan Wayang Kulit shadow puppet master.

Pak Dain is one of the last surviving dalang, a master puppeteer of wayang kulit. This Kelantanese tradition has lived through 13 generations and is said to bring good luck. The guitar is the most representative instrument in Spain and Malaysia has been always identified with the art of Wayang Kulit. This interesting fusion has put together two different cultures on the same stage in a perfect artistic combination.-Press Release

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