No social media for you, kids: Fahmi says new rules will protect minors, curb paedophilia online

No social media for you, kids: Fahmi says new rules will protect minors, curb paedophilia online

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 — The government is looking to prohibit children from registering on any social media platform with the new social media regulations, said Communication Minister Fahmi Fadzil today.

The Lembah Pantai MP says this is to put an end to paedophilia online in the country.

“Currently, the platforms do not seem so serious to prevent them from opening and using accounts. Through licensing, we hope that we can curb those aged 13 and below from having social media accounts and we also do not want criminals to misuse platforms, especially in sexual crimes against children.

“We want to put an end to these paedophiles who use fake accounts to access social media,” he told reporters in a press conference after officiating the Kembara Merdeka Jalur Gemilang 2024 convoy for Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, here.


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