Video of Kempas firefighter holding a jug of drink while answering call of duty amuses online users (VIDEO)

Video of Kempas firefighter holding a jug of drink while answering call of duty amuses online users (VIDEO)

KUALA LUMPUR, March 21 — Videos of Malaysian firefighters breaking their fast by the roadside are currently making rounds on social media, leaving social media users amused.

The videos, initially shared by TikTok user Mohd Ridzwan Shah, showed a team of firefighters on their way to an emergency in the evening, nearing the time for breaking fast.

Captioned ‘The challenges of Ramadan’, the video showed a firefighter holding a jug of drink as they answered their call of duty.

Ridzwan then shared another video of the firefighters (who are from the Kempas Fire and Rescue Station in Johor) sitting by the roadside enjoying their drink as they break their fast.



Dugaan ramadhan

Lagu 16 Puasa Yak Yak Yeayy – remy_german

Both of the videos garnered over a million views on TikTok with users showing their respect in the comments’ section.

“Thank you for your sacrifices dear Abang Bomba,” commented user RozaRap.


“Thank you for helping out those in need even though all of you are fasting and had to delay your fast-breaking, may all of you be blessed,” another person added.

@wawan0405 bunyi asal – ahlongAjak

Others congratulated the jug holder who managed to keep the drink safe for his team.

“Latest info guys, the drink from the jug is safe thanks to the brother who held it earlier,” commented user Ketua Tapops.

“The brother who had to hold the jug truly had a difficult task,” added user Syam94.