Wealth over health? SST for traditional Chinese medicine services affects integration into general healthy living — Pamela Yong

Wealth over health? SST for traditional Chinese medicine services affects integration into general healthy living — Pamela Yong

DECEMBER 29 — In a drive by the unity government to up its coffers and revenue, it seems that the government has lost sight of its obligation to the common people. The recent and sudden introduction of an 8 per cent tax on traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) services is seen as the government is prioritising wealth over the health and wellbeing of the people.

In this post-Covid-19 era and with the current surge of coronavirus positive cases, the top priority of other nations and countries is to expand spending on healthcare as needed to address the pandemic-related needs of the people. Contrary to this, the unity government chooses to impose new taxes on the people who are seeking better health and wellbeing.

TCM is recognised in Malaysia. Since 2016, it has been formally regulated under the Ministry of Health. The registration of TCM practitioners has paved the way for the integration of TCM into the mainstream healthcare system of the country. Hence, it really is incoherent as to why the government would think of imposing an 8 per cent tax to traditional and complementary medicine which would include traditional Malay, traditional Chinese and traditional Indian/Ayurvedic medicine as well as homeopathic, chiropractic and even Islamic medical practice.

This new 8 per cent tax to this healthcare services would invariably increase prices, ‘encouraging’ an emergence of an “underground”, alternative, and unregistered TCM practitioners offering lower prices, thus jeopardising the safety, health and general wellbeing of patients trying to seek affordable cheaper treatment!


In view that this new 8 per cent tax comes under the purview of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), the public would like to seek the clarification and justification of this new tax from both the Finance Minister and his newly minted Deputy Minister Lim Hui Ying.

The shocking announcement of this new tax nearing the new year has certainly dampened the spirits of both legitimate TCM and registered practitioners and their patients alike.

* Dr Pamela Yong is MCA’s deputy secretary-general ** This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.
