PM Anwar says deputy Zahid’s health improving following surgery, will return to work soon

PM Anwar says deputy Zahid’s health improving following surgery, will return to work soon

PUTRAJAYA, Nov 25 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s health is improving and he will return to work soon, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

In his speech when opening the Rural Entrepreneurs Carnival KUD@Putrajaya 2023 here today, Anwar said he went to visit Ahmad Zahid at his house before coming to this event.

“I would like to convey greetings from Ahmad Zahid, who is getting healthier. Alhamdulillah has improved. “He wanted to come along here, but I ordered him to stay home because he needs to rest,” he said.

Last Thursday, Ahmad Zahid, who is also the minister of rural and regional development, uploaded a post on his official Facebook to inform that he is resting following a surgery conducted on November 16. — Bernama
