Malaysian Highway Authority: Congestion, slow-moving traffic on major highways this afternoon

Malaysian Highway Authority: Congestion, slow-moving traffic on major highways this afternoon

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 — Traffic flow on several major highways as of 5pm today was congested or moving slowly due to the movement of the public in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations and the long holiday. A Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) spokesman informed Bernama that traffic was congested and moving slowly for … Read more

Survey: At work, motivation often wanes in the middle of the afternoon

Survey: At work, motivation often wanes in the middle of the afternoon

PARIS, Jan 6 — Whether in the office or at home, it’s not uncommon for energy levels to fluctuate during the working day. While an energy slump often occurs after lunch, the feeling can be particularly pronounced later in the afternoon. This mid-afternoon drop in motivation and productivity occurs at 3pm, according to a US … Read more