Deputy economy minister: Govt will not arbitrarily impose progressive wage policy

Deputy economy minister: Govt will not arbitrarily impose progressive wage policy

KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 — Deputy Economy Minister Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib said while Malaysia’s progressive wage policy is voluntary, incentive-based and related to productivity, there is no compulsion for companies to adopt it. The progressive wage policy is aimed to incentivise the future of companies, she said during a question and answer session at … Read more

Food traders warned against raising prices arbitrarily burdening consumers

Food traders warned against raising prices arbitrarily burdening consumers

MELAKA, Dec 23 — Food traders at carnivals or popular eateries in the state have been warned against raising prices arbitrarily, by charging too much and putting pressure on consumers. Melaka Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) director Norena Jaafar said the ministry had carried out monitoring and inspection of food sales … Read more