Religious Affairs minister: Proposals to amend Federal Constitution to protect Shariah criminal enactments must not be rushed

Religious Affairs minister: Proposals to amend Federal Constitution to protect Shariah criminal enactments must not be rushed

KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 — Any proposals to amend the Federal Constitution to protect the State Legislature’s rights of enacting Shariah criminal enactments must not be done hastily. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said any proposal about the matter needed an in-depth and comprehensive study to ensure that … Read more

SIS lauds Federal Court’s ruling invalidating Kelantan Shariah Enactments, criticises PAS leader’s ‘Black Friday’ remark

SIS lauds Federal Court’s ruling invalidating Kelantan Shariah Enactments, criticises PAS leader’s ‘Black Friday’ remark

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 — Sisters in Islam (SIS) today praised the Federal Court’s decision to strike down 16 out of 18 provisions under the Kelantan Shariah criminal enactment as unconstitutional. The ruling yesterday stated that the Kelantan State Legislature lacked the authority to enact laws on these offenses, as similar matters are already covered … Read more