Remember Rachel Corrie: Pro-Palestine activists ensure US Embassy doesn’t forget Israel’s atrocities during Fourth of July revelry

Remember Rachel Corrie: Pro-Palestine activists ensure US Embassy doesn’t forget Israel’s atrocities during Fourth of July revelry

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — Several pro-Palestine activists held a silent demonstration this afternoon in front of the swanky five-star Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur hotel, where the United States Embassy here is hosting a Fourth of July reception this evening. Envoys and guests to the event commemorating the US’ 248 years of independence were faced … Read more

Forget insects and cultivated cells, the meat of the future could be made from wood

Forget insects and cultivated cells, the meat of the future could be made from wood

PARIS, March 26 — What if, instead of eating crickets or cell-cultured meat, we relied on an everyday raw material to put food on our plates? That raw material is wood, or rather a waste product from paper manufacturing. Italian researchers have set themselves the task of extracting amino acids, the basic components of proteins, … Read more

Don’t forget the West Bank — Hafiz Hassan

Don’t forget the West Bank — Hafiz Hassan

NOVEMBER 2 — Since October 7 when Hamas militants crossed from Gaza and attacked Israeli communities and military posts, killing around 1,400 people and taking 240 hostages, Israel has been unrelenting with its bombardment of Gaza. It has also since stepped up operations in the occupied West Bank, with at least 122 Palestinians killed by … Read more

Don’t forget your gums and teeth while planning for old age — Cheah Chia Wei

Don’t forget your gums and teeth while planning for old age — Cheah Chia Wei

OCTOBER 31 — October marks the celebration of International Day of Older Persons, and it’s noteworthy that Malaysia is unmistakably progressing towards becoming an ageing nation. By 2030, it is projected that 15 per cent of our population will be aged 60 or above. Although our life expectancy has significantly increased in comparison to our … Read more

Forget smartphone screens, this device puts notifications in the palm of your hand

Forget smartphone screens, this device puts notifications in the palm of your hand

SAN FRANCISCO, April 29 ― As technology advances, what kind of device could one day replace the smartphone? An American start-up called Humane could have the answer, with its recently demonstrated concept device. The latter is capable of projecting information and notifications ― and allowing users to interact with them ― directly in the palm … Read more