Tourism Malaysia D-G Ammar Abd Ghapar removed from post, status in limbo  

Tourism Malaysia D-G Ammar Abd Ghapar removed from post, status in limbo  

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 — Tourism Malaysia director-general (D-G) Datuk Ammar Abd Ghapar confirmed that he has been removed from his post with effect from Monday. Speaking to Malay Mail, Ammar said that he only received a letter from Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing this morning. “The letter just says … Read more

Trapped in limbo: Why proposed citizenship amendments threaten Sabah’s stateless children ― Roger Chin

Trapped in limbo: Why proposed citizenship amendments threaten Sabah’s stateless children ― Roger Chin

DECEMBER 23 ― Imagine being born in the land you call home, yet having no official right to be there. This is the harsh reality for thousands of Malaysians in Sabah, born without citizenship, condemned to exist in a grey area ― stateless. Now, a proposed tweak to the Constitution threatens to slam shut a … Read more

Stuck in Bersatu, four defectors seen being in political limbo

Stuck in Bersatu, four defectors seen being in political limbo

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 — The loophole that let four Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) lawmakers keep their seats despite technically defecting could also limit their prospects by forcing them to stay with the Opposition party while supporting the government, said political experts. Analyst who spoke to Malay Mail said that technically the four MPs … Read more