Adagio in sea: Coral larvae ‘settle near sounds of healthy reefs’

Adagio in sea: Coral larvae ‘settle near sounds of healthy reefs’

PARIS, March 14 — Audio recordings of healthy reefs — an underwater chorus of fish songs and crackles from snapping shrimp — may help efforts to restore coral ecosystems harmed by climate and human impacts, scientists said Wednesday. With the future of the world’s biodiversity-rich coral reefs threatened by climate change, some experts are looking … Read more

In Hong Kong, waste oyster shells are being used to restore reefs

In Hong Kong, waste oyster shells are being used to restore reefs

HONG KONG, Dec 30 ― An ambitious project launched by an NGO called The Nature Conservancy aims to recover hundreds of oyster shells in order to help restore oyster reefs around Hong Kong Bay and elsewhere in the world. Thanks to its ideal location between the South China Sea and the Pearl River Delta, Hong … Read more