Lawyer says will advise Dr Mahathir to skip Batu Puteh RCI if ex-CJ Raus remains as chairman

Lawyer says will advise Dr Mahathir to skip Batu Puteh RCI if ex-CJ Raus remains as chairman

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 — Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be advised to skip the Malaysian government’s Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the sovereignty of several islets near Johor and Singapore, if former chief justice Tun Md Raus Sharif remains as the RCI chairman, Dr Mahathir’s lawyer said today. Muhammad Rafique … Read more

Sentul cops complete probe into case of teen who hit schoolmate with motorcycle helmet over refusal to skip school

Sentul cops complete probe into case of teen who hit schoolmate with motorcycle helmet over refusal to skip school

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 12 — The investigation into the case of a teenager who repeatedly hit his schoolmate in the face with motorcycle helmet because the latter refused to skip school has been completed by the police. Sentul district police chief ACP Ahmad Sukarno Mohd Zahari said that the investigation paper on the case was … Read more

‘Subuh Dinosaur’ Pun Tak Apalah, Wajib Buat! Jangan Skip Solat Subuh Walaupun Terbangun Lewat – Hijabista

‘Subuh Dinosaur’ Pun Tak Apalah, Wajib Buat! Jangan Skip Solat Subuh Walaupun Terbangun Lewat – Hijabista

Hukum solat adalah fardu ain. Ertinya, ia wajib ditunaikan oleh semua orang Islam, yang berakal, baligh, berada dalam keadaan suci (bukan haid). Dalil hukumnya adalah wajib ialah seperti berikut: Firman Allah: وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَارْكَعُوا مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ Maksudnya: “Dan dirikanlah kamu akan sembahyang dan keluarkanlah zakat, dan rukuklah kamu semua (berjemaah) bersama-sama orang-orang yang … Read more

Skip the salt, says WHO with guidelines to limit sodium content in food

GENEVA: Excessive salt in food and beverages is putting people at greater risk of potentially fatal heart disease and strokes, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday, issuing fresh guidelines for limiting sodium content. An estimated 11 million deaths globally are associated with poor diet each year, including 3 million attributable to high sodium … Read more